Who can join?
Anyone who has completed fifth grade is at least 11 years old or earned Arrow of Light as a Webelos.
How do I sign my child up for Scouting?
First, visit the troop with your child during a regular troop meeting to determine if it’s a good fit. If your child decides to join, download the Youth Application, fill it out, and turn it into the Scoutmaster.
How much does it cost to join?
- Bridging Webelos pay $55 to cover the cost of The Scouts BSA Handbook, Neckerchief, Slide, etc.
- Troop 330 uses the “Three Musketeers” form of fundraising (One for all and all for one) as well as “Scout Accounts.” We believe no scout should miss out on an outing because of a lack of resources. For further information, please review the troop’s Scout Account policy.
- Small weekend outings typically cost $30, while longer outings may cost more. Fundraising can be performed to offset the cost of outings.
What do we do for fundraising?
- Pancake Breakfast, BSA Popcorn, PayPal Stadium concessions, and other fundraisers.
- The troop also has voluntary annual dues to supplement the fundraising.
Can I go on outings with my child?
Absolutely! For parents/guardians who want to go on an occasional outing, we ask that you take the free online Youth Protection Training course before the outing. If you are interested in regularly going on outings, you may be a good candidate for joining the troop’s adult leadership. Please talk to the Scoutmaster to find out more about leadership opportunities.
I don’t like to camp, but I’d like to help in other ways. Are there other ways for adults to get involved?
YES! We are always looking for help planning activities (whether or not you intend to go on them), fundraising, outreach to the community, troop administration, and more. Please ask the Committee Chair or any adult leader to find out more.
What’s the best way to ensure my son has a good Scouting experience?
Get involved. Youth whose parents are involved with the program are generally more engaged in troop activities, tend to advance in rank more steadily, get more out of the program, and have a much higher chance, statistically, of staying in Scouting.
Is uniform required?
Scouts are expected to be in uniform for Scoutmaster conferences, boards of review, courts of honor, and 2nd Wednesday of the month. The rest of the time, they are expected to wear the uniform shirt, neckerchief, and belt.